Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Ill never understand what it is in women that make them so stubborn. I
mean I consider myself to be a pretty stubborn individual but even I can
admit right is right. If a woman gets in her head that 2 plus 2 equals 5
than that's what it is. The calculator is wrong, your math teacher is
buggin, and you don't know what the hell your talking about. Its
ridiculous it makes absolutly no sense trying to talk logic to a female.
Now feel me out on this if the key to a successful relationship is
communication, and its impossible to talk to a woman...then what
happens? Unhappiness, and its not to say that we're right for cheating
on and playing games with these woman but... it gets to a point where a
relationship isn't even over until there done u can say its over but
they keep callin and comin over. Never once thinking that they might be
what pushed us away they proceed to snoop and investigate to figure out
what's wrong with US. What's wrong with us? YOU!!! That's what's wrong
with us we aren't dogs by nature, we're dogs by circumstance. I don't
know one man who feels good about cheating on his woman but I do know
MANY men who do cheat they can't all be genetically predisposed to